There is fun in the air at the Morrison County Fair!!
There is fun in the air at the Morrison County Fair!!
An Agricultural Society was organized in Little Falls in 1883. There is no explanation as to why this was done. In 1894, Little Falls had its first Market Day for farmers to bring their produce into town and to display it on the sidewalks. A Little Falls Street Fair was held in 1906, 1908, 1909 and 1910. A newspaper article states that premiums were paid to exhibitors by the MN Department of Agriculture at these Street Fairs.
In July of 1911, the people of Little Falls filed Articles of Incorporation for the Morrison County Agricultural Society. In 1913 the Morrison County Agricultural Society at Little Falls bought 14 acres in SE Little Falls(what is now known as the Courtyard Apartments) and started building a fairgrounds. The fairgrounds was located there for the next seventy-eight years. 1991 was the last year a fair was held on those grounds.
In 1992, the Morrison County Agricultural Society purchased the land NE of Little Falls on County Road #43 or what is now called Hawthorn Road. The new Morrison County fairgrounds was very sandy with no buildings, paved roads or grass. In 1993, the process of slowly building the fairgrounds with grass, paved walkways, a grandstand and various buildings began. This building process is still going on today.
Jeremy Hanfler
Bennie Holtz
Birdie Pederson
Diane Peterson
Brenda Rudolph
Jill Butterfass
Tom Baum
Cassie Baum
Kennard Fellbaum
Laura Fellbaum
Alice Hebig
Marcia Hegg
President – Jeremy Hanfler
Vice President – Bennie Holtz
Secretary- Brenda Rudolph
Treasurer – Kennard Fellbaum
The purpose of the Society shall be:
1.) To promote agriculture throughout Morrison County by holding an annual county fair.
2.) To Provide exhibit space for display of arts, skills, science,health and welfare information.
3.) To encourage county participation, public and commercial exhibitors to participate in the annual fair.
4.) To encourage participation of county talent and skills for entertainment programs at the annual fair.
5.) To promote encourage and aid county organizations such as 4-H Clubs, FFA, scouts,church groups,school clubs etc. to show and perform at the annual fair, and to provide such organizations with the opportunity to raise funds by operating food stands and revenue generating games.